
What Is The Main Conflict In Animal Farm

Animal Farm - Conflict

Activity Overview

Storyboarding is a neat way to focus on the various types of literary conflicts. Have students choose some examples of literary conflict, and depict them using the Storyboard Creator!

Examples of Conflict from Animal Subcontract

Types of Literary Conflict Graphic Organizer

Man vs. Cocky: Boxer vs. Himself

Boxer worries about the farm, and blames himself. When Napoleon starts killing other animals, he says, "I would not accept believed that such things could happen on our farm. It must be due to some fault in ourselves."

MAN vs. SOCIETY: The Animals vs. Humans

Erstwhile Major begins the ideology of "Animalism", which goes against the current way of life.

MAN vs. MAN: Napoleon vs. Snowball

These two pigs take information technology out for each other. As Napoleon becomes a tyrannical dictator, Snowball struggles to discover order. Napoleon eventually uses brute force to run Snowball off the farm.

Student Instructions

Create a storyboard that shows at to the lowest degree three forms of literary conflict in Fauna Farm.

  1. Identify conflicts in Animal Farm.
  2. Categorize each conflict as Character vs. Character, Character vs. Cocky, Character vs. Society, Character vs. Nature, or Character vs. Technology.
  3. Illustrate conflicts in the cells, using characters from the story.
  4. Write a curt description of the conflict beneath the cell.

Literary Conflict Storyboard Template

Lesson Program Reference

Common Cadre Standards

  • [ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/3] Analyze how complex characters (e.m., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme
  • [ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/five] Analyze how an author'south choices concerning how to structure a text, gild events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and dispense time (east.thou., pacing, flashbacks) create such furnishings equally mystery, tension, or surprise
  • [ELA-Literacy/SL/9-10/2] Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (eastward.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accurateness of each source

Create a storyboard that shows at least iii forms of literary disharmonize from the story. Support your choices with show from the text.

Proficient Emerging Beginning Try Once more

Disharmonize Identification

Educatee identifies correct major conflicts and uses stiff, clear textual show to support pick.

Student identifies right major conflict and uses few or unclear details to back up their choice.

Student identifies incorrect major conflict, and uses some details from the text to support their choice.

Educatee does not attempt to identify major conflict or identifies incorrect major disharmonize with no explanation.

Agreement Outcome

Pupil clearly shows the outcome of the conflict and its effects on the protagonist with evidence from the text.

Student shows the issue of the disharmonize and its consequence on the protagonist, but some evidence is unclear.

Student shows the outcome of the conflict, but does non examine its upshot on the protagonist and uses some vague textual evidence.

Pupil does not conspicuously prove the outcome of the conflict or employ textual evidence.


Storyboard includes all required characters and clearly names them. Goes above and across past calculation additional details.

Storyboard includes all required characters and conspicuously names them.

Storyboard includes protagonist and antagonist but leaves out other required characters.

Storyboard does not include the names of required characters.


Educatee conspicuously shows attempt to convey the setting the scene of the book

Student attempts to convey setting and scene of the book, just lacks some clarity.

Educatee does not clearly convey the setting and scene.

Student makes piffling or no attempt to convey the setting or scene.

Spelling and Grammar

Pupil uses exemplary spelling and grammer. At that place are no errors.

Student makes a minor error in spelling and grammar.

Educatee makes several minor errors in spelling and grammar.

Student makes many errors in spelling and grammar; footling attempt at spellchecking.

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